Without further ado, let’s jump right in. The last four months have brought about many changes in the life of Camilla. (I have a tendency to call myself this, and if you are ever around you will hear people call me this on MANY occasions) During the time of my last post, September, I was starting my last semester of graduate school. Since then I have completed my masters (I still cannot figure out if this is to be spelled masters or master’s) degree in sports administration at
I graduated a few weeks ago and am still heavy into my job search. Sports Administration is a broad field. Prospective jobs can range from coaching to becoming an athletic director or even a facility wellness coordinator. However, none of those careers appeal to me. My GOAL is to work for an athletic organization as the community relations coordinator and in the future work myself into a role in the player development area. That being said, these jobs are few and far between. While I have continued to apply for sport-related jobs I have branched out and started looking for community relations/public relations positions are organizations in the
If you would have asked me four months ago, I would have told you that I was applying for jobs all across the country, but things have changed. The last few months have taught me many things about the value of friendship and the importance of having people who love and care for you in your life. I have a great group of girl friends in
I COULD NOT imagine getting through this time without them near. Another main reason for my continuing tie to
“Who is Mister SPECIAL?” you ask. For those of you who don’t know, his name is Elliott. Elliott and I have been seeing each other since back in the fall and he has been an unexpected surprise each and everyday. I will be the first to admit that I was a little hesitant when I first met him, but after I decided to take a chance I fell hard…and find myself falling even harder with each passing day.
*MY Kentucky Wildcats are 17-0…that’s right…the